
Charlotte Spichalsky, born in 1986 in Wiesbaden, studied theater, film and media studies at University of Vienna and stage and film design at University of Applied Arts Vienna. She worked at Burgtheater Vienna, Opera Bonn and Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz Berlin, where she was employed as a stage design assistant after her studies and realized her first own works. For several years she was head of model making workshop at David Chipperfield Architects Berlin and currently works at Studio Michael Sailstorfer as a freelancer in design and acquisition.

Since 2017 she has been working as a freelance stage designer. Her artistic work moves at the interface between theater, film, architecture and installation art and has been shown at Venice Architecture Biennale, Comédie française in Paris and Sharjah art foundation.

born in 1986

06 - 11 University Vienna
Theatre, film and media studies

07 - 13 Uiversity of applied arts
Stage and film design

13 - 15 Stage design assistant
Schaubühne Berlin

since 2017 work as a freelance stage and set designer

16 - 21 Head of model workshop / design and acquisition team
David Chipperfield Architects Berlin

since 2022 collaboration with Studio Michael Sailstorfer 
